Princess Kiki
>> Monday, March 7, 2011
I have a friend who would do anything for me, actually I have been blessed to have a few of these friends, but in this post that friend is.....................
Tonya. (And her fantastic hubby Brian)
Awwww so in Love
She brings me Chinese when I'm pregnant and craving it, she helps me with my techy questions, she is my go to person for music questions, and she is my sounding board when I need it. I know if I need her for anything, even change a nasty poopy diaper, she'll be there for me.
She stopped by today and introduced me to her new addition Kiki, who I lovingly call Princess Kiki.
For anyone that knows me, KNOWS I am not a dog person and do not think dogs should be treated as human. With that said I LOVE Tonya so............I had a really bad weekend and needed to have a tangible 'something' that was complete. I always say being a mom is hard nothing is every finished, diapers, meals,dishes, laundry, and cleaning never end, which is why I sew. I need to finish something, to show myself, if no one else, I am still capable.
So what do I do? I make Princess Kiki a bed.....and I told my Tonya it is pretty but NOT perfect. I hope her Princess enjoys it. And I hope to make a blanket for her soon too.
Now I will go to bed :)
You made me cry! You turkey!!!
Thank you very much.
And I love you too...bunches.
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