March 24th 2011
>> Thursday, March 24, 2011
Today started out a little rough! I woke up and realized the floor people were coming today to measure for new flooring. (My daughter decided ironing the carpet was a good idea! Yes it was my fault I left it plugged in and in the wrong room) Anyways my living room was a mess!!! I didn't want the guy hurting himself by tripping over a toy. So I was frantically trying to clean up while baby Eva was still sleeping. Belt on vacuum....broken :( so I did the best I could. Once I had it semi picked up I had to fold the laundry that was sitting on the couch. Amazingly enough this task went quickly. Well as quickly as it could while doing many other things such as google chatting with my sister! Lol we WERE talking about cleaning and a mom needs her 'adult' time. Well as I was putting the older kids' laundry in their room (they put their own away in the drawers) there was a knock on the door....he was an hour EARLY yikes. So there were still 2 laundry baskets of clothes on the couch but he measured anyway.
Then I put baby Eva down for a nap, fed my other 2 and read a few books. Then they went down and Eva woke up. She seemed happy so I brought the excersaucer into the sun room and turned on my Pandora and started sewing. I got 2 of my 3 blankets done before Eva got bored!
We changed rooms and I worked on a wedding present and am now rocking Eva to sleep. I hear Charlie talking in his crib. I love days that feel productive and are spent loving on the young ones. And I would be lost without technology because I am blogging from my phone while rocking a baby to sleep! She is snoring so I better try and put her down. Get my little boy and cuddle some.
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