>> Friday, February 25, 2011
I have said it before but I will say it again....I am NOT a writer, writing actually is not something I am good at. That is why I choose to do recipes and sewing projects on my blog....not a lot of writing required. Sometimes I read something and I just felt the need to share. So if it sounds like I am rambling please forgive me.
I am currently reading a book recommended to me by my friend, who has 10 children and a very strong God centered marriage. The book is Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas and it is not an easy read. It is a book I have been reading since Eva was born bit by bit. In the chapter titled Make me a Servant I have been challenged.
Some of his points have really made me think about how and why love and serve others. 1 John 3:17 says "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?" This point has also come up in the bible study I am doing in the Book of Daniel. Through a dream that Daniel interprets God tells King Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 4:27b "Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed."
Many of our Bible study discussions have centered around giving and serving. Many of us have said we want to give but we are afraid others will not use it for what we intended it for. Thomas says "For John, there's no mention of a sinless brother or sister in need. His teaching is far more blunt---their need defines our obligation. It's a matter of God's love, not human evaluation or judgement. God doesn't say to love those who deserve it or even those who love you back. The point I am making is God tells us to serve and love others for His Glory not ours. This is a very difficult lesson for me to learn, maybe that is why I feel God is beating me over the head with it, and why I felt the need to share it. He goes into a lot more detail about how this topic relates to marriage. I wish I would have read and absorbed this book before I got married. If you are preparing for marriage, newly married, or just want to enhance the relationship you have now...I highly recommend this book.
I pray God continues to allow me to give to others my husband and family included and that I have the correct attitude while doing it. I don't want to give with the wrong motivation.
My Awesome Hubby
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